4 Step Easy Summer Home Refresh — Uashmama
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4 Step Easy Summer Home Refresh

4 Step Easy Summer Home Refresh

Do you ever get that itch for something new in your home? A simple summer refresh is all you need!

Summer is officially here and is a great time to do a quick, easy refresh around your home.  With kids out of school and more time most likely being spent together within the house, it’s a perfect time to freshen up your space for the season.  And let’s be clear; we are talking about a refresh, not a full-on make over.  This is something anyone can achieve easily and with minimal investment.  Here are 4 quick and easy tips to change up and tidy up your space for those long, lazy days ahead.


School is out, which means there may be an excess of last year’s school supplies still floating around in need of purging or finding a permanent home.  Kids at home also more than likely means more clutter.  Toys, puzzles, games, etc. being used all day long can quickly turn your cozy space into a chaotic one.   First, sort through all the loose papers lying around; magazines, school projects, etc.  Throw away what you don’t need to keep and grab some of our Easy Boxes for the rest. 

They come in a variety of sizes and are such a great “catch-all” storage solution.  Grab a large one for each child and fill with those school projects that you want to save.  Now they are safely out of the way, protected, and organized for all future special items per child.  The medium sizes are perfect for all of those magazines you want to keep but don’t want cluttering up your counters.  The small sizes are perfect for storing kids’ art and craft supplies.  Best of all, when not in use/not needed, the Easy Box folds up, snaps together and stores flat!



We are big fans of incorporating plants in any space throughout the home.  It’s one of the easiest ways to add dimension and personality to your décor.  Whether a small plant on an end table, some succulents, or a large indoor tree, having greenery (we do prefer live, though there are great faux substitutes) adds instant warmth and life to your space.  Our Paper Bags most popular use amongst UASHMAMA lovers is as a planter.  Used for the tiniest of succulents to large indoor trees, they make such a unique statement in and of themselves as a planter.


Add some color with a fresh tabletop look.  A tabletop makeover can be as simple as just changing out your placemats from season to season or as elaborate as adding candles, greenery, linens and more.  Whatever your preference, it’s such a great way to give your table a fresh new look.  It’s also the perfect place to show your personality and be a little bold and daring as well.  Why not spice it up for the summer with some bright bold pops of color?  UASHMAMA placemats are available in wonderful vibrant colors and calming neutrals. 


It’s probably safe to say that we all poses far more than we need.  And it’s so easy to always think “new” when wanting to refresh or change a space, but don’t forget to shop your home.  You’ll be surprised at how many things aren’t getting used that are already great or can be made great with a couple of quick adjustments.  Look for items you're currently using for one purpose that either aren’t serving you well or can be changed.  Voila, you now have an opportunity to repurpose that item into a completely new look.  This is what we live for at UASHMAMA.  Creating items that you can constantly reuse and repurpose throughout your home. 

Don't be intimitaded to make small easy changes. These quick refresh ideas are simple yet impactful that anyone can achieve. And, don't forget to tag us in your Instagram photos @uashmama.usa with #UASHMAMASTYLE. We want to see YOUR Uashmama style!

Written by UASHMAMA Team

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