Whether you have a family heirloom basket or you like to do something new every year, putting together a great Easter basket is a simple project anyone can do. With just a few items needed, you can keep it basic or get creative. Here is our take on Easter baskets the UASHMAMA way....

How To Build An Easter Basket
Bright colors, fluffy touches, chocolate bunnies and all the goodies. Building an Easter basket is as simple as that!
Lay some shredded grass in the color of your choice. Use colored grass to add a bright pop to a neutral basket or to carry through your theme if you’re doing a theme. Easy to find at any box store or drug store, shredded grass is very inexpensive and can be saved for years of Easter baskets to come. If you don’t have any or prefer to recyle what you already have, search through old boxes of mail packages for kraft paper filler.
Add a bow around the handle or wrapped around the basket itself for an elegant, delicate touch.
Step 4. FILL IT UP
Now's the time to add the good stuff. Fill some little eggs with jelly beans, layer in other favorite treats, and don't forget the chocolate bunny!
Add something special like a book, puzzle or other non-sugar/food item that your kids love.
When Easter is over, repurpose that Paniere or Paper Bag into a planter for a beautiful spring orchid, a fruit basket or storage vessel! Be sure to tag us in your Instagram photos @uashmama.usa with #Uashmamastyle. We want to see YOUR Uashmama style!
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